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Big Salmon River Mapbook

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  • Big Salmon River Map
  • Big Salmon River Map
Rivers North Publications
0.20 KGS

 Product Description

 Big Salmon River - Quiet Lake to Carmacks

This is one of the most popular recreational rivers in the Yukon. Its access and egress points are relatively close to Whitehorse, but between Quiet Lake and Carmacks, it is an almost totally remote area. The challenge presented by the few log jams, several short rapids and riffles, and ever present sweepers, puts this trip slightly above the amateur level. Fishing is excellent, especially in the faster upper reaches, and wildlife encounter possibilities are unequaled. The annual salmon migration which gives the river its name, is also a noteworthy occurrence. Approximately 210 kilometers (130 miles) of truly remarkable scenery and natural splendor will find the traveler at the old site of Big Salmon Village. From here, it is another 120 kilometers (75 miles) on the Yukon River to Carmacks. Allow about 8 days of paddling.

The maps are at an approximate scale of 1:65,000 and include current and historic site names, details of all river impediments, geographic identifiers, possible campsite locations, and GPS coordinates on every page. This publication also includes the history of the river (including the Yukon River portion), a detailed description of the river itself, suggestions for equipment and a detailed bibliography for further reading for history buffs.

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