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Freytag folded road map of Germany at 1:500,000 with tourist information, index with postal codes, distances in km. A truly excellent quality map to buy for Germany.
Germany at 1:500,000 on a large, double-sided road map from Freytag & Berndt, with clear presentation of the road network, plenty of topographic information, and a separate 95-page index booklet listing locations with postcodes.
The map shows the country’s road network, clearly distinguishing motorways and main connecting routes from local roads, many of which are shown with driving distances. Motorway interchanges are named and services are marked. Railway lines are included. Topography is indicated by relief shading with plenty of names of geographical features such as mountain and hill ranges, woodlands, regional parks and other protected areas, etc. Small symbols indicate locations of castles and other historical buildings and monuments, but the map is not primarily designed to show tourist information.
Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 30’ intervals. Multilingual map legend includes English. Extensive index is in a separate booklet attached to the map cover and lists locations with their postcodes.