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A Little Rock Beside a Little Meadow, Where Runs Through It a Little Stream

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 Product Description

The Earth is our first Mother. The streams, rivers, and lakes are the blood in her veins, the ocean her heart, and land her flesh and the mountains her bones. With the gift of life she enables, there is responsibility and accountability. This book's words can help us to understand true meaning of value and be the spark to ignite a greater understanding of responsibility and accountability.

Eleven chapters in which he discusses the cost of a funeral, thanks the returning birds of spring, tells us of his new pen pals at University of Manitoba, and a poignant tale of a bunch of women who really know how to have fun. The title story challenges us to question the blind pursuit of commerce at the cost of our dwindling wilderness.

16 pages of colour pictures finally give a glimpse of the things you could only imagine from his previous books.

208 Pages

Copyright 2011

ISBN 978-0-9734608-9-6

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